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You won't want to miss these community events in Amarillo, TX

Searching for a welcoming church in Amarillo, TX? Come to Metropolitan Community Church Amarillo. Not only do we have service every Sunday morning, we also host church events throughout the month.

Join us on the...

  • First Sunday for birthday celebrations
  • Second Sunday for a church potluck
  • Third Saturday for a game night
We also host a new members class once a quarter.

Attending any of these church events will help you get to know the folks who call Metropolitan Community Church Amarillo their church home. Most of our members are part of the LGBTQ community, so you'll receive a warm welcome here.

We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming community events. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.

Calling all musicians!

If you have a passion for leading worship, come to our church in Amarillo, TX this Wednesday night to meet the praise team. Worship practice is a community event, so you can attend whether or not you're a member.